What is the best setup for the Manger systems?

Place the passive systems p1 and z1 close to the back walls with an approximate distance of 30 to 70 centimeters. A larger distance from the back and side walls means always less low frequency energy in the room. The distance between the speakers should be 1,5 meter to 2,5 meter. The speakers should have an equal distance to your best listening position. This is absolutely necessary as sound has a velocity and both channels should arrive at the same time.

We figured out that toeing in the speakers approximately 0,5 meters in from of the sweet spot, gives the very precise and deep sound stage, as both channels will be added up and the complete sound image arrive at your ears, and not like common added up in your head. You will realise that there is not only the sweet spot but an independent listening area.

For your feedback or questions, please send an email: info@mangeraudio.com

For which kind of music is the Manger sound transducer best suited?

The Manger sound transducer is suitable for all music styles, it reveals the natural content of every sound medium. Unfortunately this can sometimes show up poor quality recordings. But don't hesitate, listen to your music and you will experience the qualities of our Manger Sound Transducer and discover new highlights in your music collection. If you are not sure, how good your recordings are, you might purchase our well-known Manger CD Sampler.

On this topic you should also visit our Blog 'Feedback of our valued customers'

Interaction between speaker and amplifier

If you are running a classical hifi system with one of our passive speakers or you are intend to buy one and would like to check if your amplifier fits, this is a general description about the synergy of amp and a Manger system.

For a detailled and natural reproduction of recordings a fast driving (amplifier) is of prime importance. Now, conventional multiway speakers affect to oscillate caused by their mechanical mass-spring-behaviour, the so-called transient ringing (see also ‚Acoustical Reality’), which is boosted by the fast drive. One feels this reproduction as less musical, technical or even agressive.
„Slow“ amplifiers round this mechanical caused transient ringing and are described as more musical. The actual effect of a „slow“ amplifier is the smoothing of the transient oscillation, especially of the tweeter. The effect is reducted, but the cause is not solved.

Such transient oscillation doesn’t arise in the Manger sound transducer by its physical principle. With an extreme fast rise time of 13 microseconds and a „fast“ amplifier as driving, it easily reproduces all tiny details of sound. These fine structure enables the perception and localisation of voices and instruments. In combination with a „fast“ amplifier the Manger sound transducer provides also an extraordinary realistic and three-dimensional reproduction of music. The reproduction is really lifelike.
But this doesn't mean that tubes don't sound, but a tube is more like viewing an object with a warmer light and a fast solid state is like daylight. The Manger® sound transducer is like an acoustical lense. Any change in the equipment is perceivable.

Don't hesitate to ask us about our recommendation and sure we would be also happy to receive your feedback. So send us an email: info@mangeraudio.com

Any future developments?

The Manger sound transducer is since the beginning of the 90s at a technical level where no more teething problems occur. If you own an older Manger sound transducer we might be able to modify it. Should future improvements through new materials be reached, we will inform you about the possibilities as long as we have your contact information. So you can always achieve the latest technical standard via modifications without having the necessity to invest in a new system.

How is the long term stability of the Manger sound transducer?

After the burn-in phase of 24 hours there are no more measurable changes. You might have the impression of further changes, but be aware that also your ears needs time to get adapted. All used materials in the Manger Sound Transducer are long term and UV stabile and without any plasticizer. You can be sure, that you will still have a joyful listening in 20 years or longer.

Can the Manger sound transducer be repaired?

Yes, of course. We are very proud of our after sales service. This means, that repairs, updates and upgrades can be done on the driver models of W04 and younger.

So if you want to be informed about any improvements, send us an email with the information on the model you own. All Manger® sound transducers, which ever have been built, are registered with their own protocol.

Are the Manger sound transducers selected in matched pairs?

No, due to the very strict mechanical tolerances of the Manger sound transducer the maximum permitted deviation in frequency range is 0.5dB. Stringent quality checks of each Manger sound transducer with its dedicated serial number are stored on its own measurement protocol since the beginning of development.


Does the Manger sound transducer have a burn-in time?

Yes, just like every other loudspeaker chassis. The Manger sound transducer has a recommended burn-in time of 24 hours.

Why there are 4 connecting wires?

The Manger® sound transducer works with two voice coils which are electrically connected in parallel. These 2 coils lie adjacent to one another on a supporting frame. When one moves out of the air gap, an undesirable opposing force appears as a result of counter induction. This impairs the actual coil movement. However, as the second voice coil simultaneously moves into the magnetic field, the energy forces are neutralised and the opposing force is cancelled out. The voice coil is only moved time correctly by the music signal.
Using the patented twin voice coil principle, the Manger sound transducer achieves an extrememly fast rise time of 13µs. For lower frequencies i.e. with slower movements, these two adjacent coils act as one long voice coil and achieve a maximum excursion of +/-3.5mm.


Why the star shape?

The star shaped absorber, nowadays a hallmark of the Manger® sound transducer. It's form follows its function and means design in its primary meaning.
The outward moving waves must be dampened at the edge of the diaphragm. The star absorber acts like a reed belt along a river bank, which prevents the waves being bounced back to add to the oncoming waves - a necessity of a true point-source.

How does the diaphragm move?

The diaphragm does not move piston-like, as in cone loudspeakers, the flat diaphragm vibrates on its own axis. The bending waves move from the middle outwards, comparable to the wave movement on a water surface after throwing in a stone.

Using Mother Nature as as example, the Basilar diaphragm of the human inner ear functions along the same wave principle as the Manger sound transducer.