On the enthusiasm for the Manger models and the service

Januar 28, 2025, by Daniela Manger

We often receive customer feedback that expresses general enthusiasm for the Manger models. Even the option to upgrade the speakers, which is sometimes viewed with skepticism, is enthusiastically dispelled when the first listening test is carried out after the upgrade. In our company, high quality technology also follows high quality customer service. But read for yourself:

"Euphoric greetings"

Please forgive me for sharing my enthusiasm with you again.

It has always been the domain of the sound transducer to represent the spaces of a recording, and I have always enjoyed sitting in a room with a jazz, vocal or chamber ensemble and being able to grasp the actors in their place with my ears. But today I had a different kind of experience.

I have just put on a record that I must have last heard in my pre-Manger era. That is why I could not have noticed how brilliant the team of producers, musicians and sound engineers were to create such sound and spatial worlds with the means available in the 80s. Just developing these complex ideas and tuning them to the finest and most tasteful is beyond my imagination. A record has been created that is overflowing with acoustic holograms, so that you want to buckle yourself up on the sofa so that you don't fall off your seat as you travel through the rooms. It may also be due to my listening experience, but it was the sound transducers that made it possible to experience this plasticity - and that was pressed into vinyl and scratched out with a needle. I have a lot of respect for my sound colleagues from the 80s. So if you want to experience sound transducers beyond purely acoustic sound events, I can recommend the album 'Big Generator' by the group 'Yes'. The music is also of a very high standard, but of course it's a matter of taste, maybe you know it too.

In the meantime, warm euphoric greetings from the Deister.


My "feeling of happiness"

My "feeling of happiness"I hope I'm not disturbing you on Holy Sunday and on the 3rd Advent.
I just wanted to briefly pass on my "feeling of happiness" to you.
The upgrade of the MSW with the stronger magnets resolves the room even better. The playback image for music and cinema appears clearer and closer.
I also saved myself the trouble of recalibrating for now.
Adjusting the HF trim by -2 dB was also unnecessary after testing, as the target curve is already gently tapered off by 2 dB from 10KHz.
The result is an unmistakable success just by swapping from before to after.
The fun factor with the Manger LS has increased significantly again!
I'm looking forward to adjusting the two rear LS in January 2024.
Best wishes and have a nice Advent Sunday.

"I'm excited"

Thank you for the update. I installed the MSW again today. It was worth the effort. In my opinion, the sound has become airier, more three-dimensional and clearer. The fine resolution has also increased. I am delighted!

"The first bars of music were literally mind-blowing"

Some time ago, you wrote back very positively to our inquiry about the expected lifespan of our already old ZB 109IIe and also recommended an upgrade that has been available since 2017 with further innovations implemented since last year in the form of stronger magnets for the MSWs and new dampers for the MSW membranes.

We discussed your offer for this and initially postponed implementation because the price asked for it was a "statement"...
But recently we had to act because one of the MSWs had started to buzz. Your remote diagnosis of "defective damper" was conclusive. So we had to decide: just repair or repair with upgrade or even a new purchase? Our listening experience over the last few years through and with the ZB 109IIe and the quality of product and customer service provided by Manger resulted in the decision for a repair with a comprehensive upgrade.
They had offered, quote: "...with new crossovers... ...like the ones we use in our z1 and p1 models (the successors to the Zerobox 109). The main difference to the previous crossover is a higher crossover frequency, which relieves the load on the MSW very nicely. It plays more freely, more cleanly and is dynamically finer and less distorted. As part of this upgrade, we are also changing the internal wiring and the damping in the MSW chamber. Since autumn last year... ...we have been able to improve the MSW again. A newly dimensioned magnet system and high-frequency reflection dampers made of special material and dimensions significantly increase the playback performance of the MSW..."

The expectations after the repair and upgrade were correspondingly high. Especially since the order was placed "blindly", without prior listening to a Z1 or P1, for example! The first bars of music after plugging in the returned ZBs were literally stunning. WOW! As we continued to listen to the modified speakers, the statement made in the upgrade offer that the MSWs "play more freely, more cleanly, more dynamically and with less distortion" was confirmed. I describe it as follows: It's as if you hear a higher acoustic pixel density while the musical content remains the same. The frequency range is also cleaner, drier and more contoured. The holographic focus that was already there has also been increased. Overall, you hear more relaxed, which was already a big plus for the ZB 109IIe before the upgrade.

And now? You have achieved the goal of having us listen to all our favorite records, our "CDs for the island", again. Winter is coming too!
We absolutely recommend the upgrade. Chapeau!
Fam. B from GÖ

Written by Daniela Manger

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