Mitteldeutsche Hifitage 2024

09.11.2024 - 10.11.2024

Mitteldeutsche Hifitage 2024

In order to present you with a fine, small and incredibly musical
sounding system, we have teamed up with our manufacturing friends from
Muarah, SPL electronics and WSS Kabel.
Make sure you come to room 'Ilmenau', because this is where the music plays or you can let your ears guide you...

We look forward to your visit!

Alte Verlagsdruckerei
Oststrasse 40 - 44
04317 Leipzig

Doors open:
09.11.2024 - 10.11.2024

Experience Manger

The best way to get goosebumps is to experience a Manger system. We offer various ways:

Contact us

We love to hear from you, just simply choose the channel of choice to follow or contact us.

Contact us

Manger Audio
Hendunger Strasse 53
97638 Mellrichstadt

+49 9776 9816

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