Our guide to High-res music

August 31, 2014, by Jochen Bareiss

Check out our collection of vendors selling High-resolution music and send in your ideas and feedback and help us complete the list.

From a costumer some recomended downloadsites.

http://www.eclassical.com/ as the name tells us: classical music, good offers, great catalog

http://www.linnrecords.com/ offers only Linn-Labels - Jazz and classical, some high qualitiy recordings, even older stuff available

http://www.2l.no/ 2L very exclusively offers, best recording qualitiy

http://shop.classicsonlinehd.com/ big catalog, only classical, download orstreaming (equaly to Tidal)

http://pureaudiorecordings.com/ different Labels, Jazz and classical, offers mostly SACD, some older recordings available

https://www.hdtracks.de big catalog for all musicstyles. Repeatly sale offers, slow download.



If you don't know what 'Hi-Res music' means, here is a brief definition:

»There is no standard definition for what constitutes high-resolution audio, but it is generally used to describe audio signals with bandwidth and/or dynamic range greater than that of Compact Disc Digital Audio (CD-DA). This includes pulse-code modulation (PCM) encoded audio with sampling rates greater than 44100 Hz and with bit-depths greater than 16, or their equivalents using other encoding techniques such as pulse-density modulation (PDM).
High-resolution audio file formats include FLAC, ALAC, WAV, AIFF and DSD, the format used by Super Audio Compact Discs (SACD).« 

source: wikipedia.org


At Find HD Music you can find an excellent overview of existing sites, such as:

We are currently collecting more services that offer free High-Resolution Music Downloads and will add updates to our list here.

Stay tuned and come back or subscribe to our newsletter.

Written by Jochen Bareiss

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