Manger Audio at the Finest Audio Show in Vienna

Dezember 19, 2024, by Daniela Manger

We were represented with our passive top model p2 at the "Finest Audio Show" audio trade fair in Vienna, organised by the High End Society. On November 23rd and 24th, our p2 was able to demonstrate its impressive acoustic qualities with our partners Transrotor, SPL, WSS Kabelmanufaktur and beaudioful. We would also like to point out the active bass trap AVAA from PSI as a truly fantastic tool for room acoustics.

In the trade fair reports, we were pleased that we were perceived with appreciation. You can find us on page 4 of the trade fair report "Vienna, the Second".

Markus Wierl alias „Audio-Freak“ machte auf seiner Messe-Tour auch bei uns Stop, ab Minute 16:15 erfahren Sie, wie er unser Setup fand. (ab Minute 16:15).

Auch das folgende Video bietet einen Rundgang durch die "Finest Audio Show" und läßt unkommentiert die ausgestellte Spitzenware zu Gehör kommen, die p2 ist im Abschnitt 21 mit einem Song voller Groove zu hören.

Andreas Günther from the online magazine "fair-audio" was delighted with our setup and said that he definitely needs to take a closer look at Manger. J The article offers background information about the trade fair itself and tells us about over 300 brands that were represented, although the exhibitors had to make do with "only" around 4000 spectators. But "the spirit is there - and many advantages".

MY-HiEND also visited us and shows our setup in a varied photo series.

Written by Daniela Manger

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+49 9776 9816

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