High End Swiss 2014 - Review

Oktober 20, 2014, by Daniela Manger

It is already two weeks ago, since the High End swiss 2014 closed it doors. Find a dedicated collection of pics from our room.

The temperature climbed up to 25°C and we, as also the other exhibitors, had fear
that visitors change their mind and prefer to spend the days outside. But as you see,
during all days we had crowded rooms. Some people come again and again, as like
Cai Brockmann from the German magazine fidelity , it seemed to us, that they liked
the sound in our room. I honestly have to say that Norbert Lindemann and I enjoyed it
very much.

Our p1 was driven by the Lindemann musicbook:55 in bi-amping mode. The result:
musical fidelity combined with an aestethic design. It seemed to us that the Swiss
people really estimated the timeless and elegant combination of design and technology,
as we got many 'Beautiful!' and 'It sounds wonderful!'.

Many visitors...

Even more visitors just waiting in the entrance of a room for a free chair, while
Mr. Lindemann explained the set up.

My earworm at this show was Antonio Zambujo's 'Readers Digest' from the CD 'Guia'.

If you your curious and would like to watch more pics of the show, just visit the Daniel Schmid's
photo shooting of our and other rooms: http://avguide.ch/fotostrecken.

Written by Daniela Manger

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