HIGH END 2016 Flashback

Mai 10, 2016, by Daniela Manger

The High End show 2016 is over.

The High End show 2016 was a big success. We shared the room with Mola-Mola and Scheu analog turntables. The two setups with z1 and s1 were well received and amazed the visitors. The master of sound, David Chesky and Jean-Marie Geijsen held exciting tech talks. We thank all for made this show a wonderful success. Here is a collection of pics and a video of a show coverage, where Manger is also on the spot.

Neil Gader, The Absolute Sound also mentioned us in his show report.
Pic: Neil Gader - Daniela Manger with z1
Also Jason Serinus from the American magazine Stereophile visited our room. Here are his impressions: High End show report 2016

Written by Daniela Manger

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