Über das “wunderbare Gefühl des Angekommenseins”

08.06.2024, von Daniela Manger

Nachdem wir mit Freuden über das begeisterte Kundenfeedback zur Manger p2 gebloggt haben, möchten wir nun einige Stimme über die Manger p1 zitieren. Erneut bekommen wir eine wunderbare Bestätigung unseres hohen Qualitätsanspruchs für einen perfekten Musikgenuss. Weitere Stimmen folgen.

"I love the new look in green"

"Thank you again for your advice to not just give my speakers a new color, but also upgrading them.
I’ve been listening for hours and the upgrade to my P1 is amazing. I was already used to the unique transparant and uncoloured Manger sound, but the upgrade has led to a considerable improvement in the sound. Amazing! It’s like I’ve read somewhere in the past Manger speakers are a choice for life. I can’t see these speakers ever leaving my home. They also sound great combined with my Lindemann (what’s in a name 😊 ) Musicbook Source and two Musicbook 55 amplifiers (working in Mono Bi-Wiring mode)
And then there’s the paint job. I love the new look in green, combined with my also newly spraipainted yellowish sideboard. Find enclosed two photo’s of the new look and one from the past.

G. L. am 2. März 202


"I can't see any reason to begin exploring other options"

"I think the best option is just to cover carefully it when not in use. The left speaker is about 4' from the window and can be in direct sunlight.
This time of year is not critical, but in the summer the sun can definitely create some radiant heat coming through the window. Better safe than sorry.
Thank you very much for your response. After 50+ years as a stereo enthusiast, I believe I’m done searching for speakers. Your P1 passives are excellent and I can't see any reason to begin exploring other options, I know I'd regret it."

M. D. as Boise, ID USA

"Ich habe riesengrosse Freude"

"Ich habe riesengrosse Freude an meinen neuen Lautsprechern, welche sowol optisch, haptisch wie auch akustisch einzigartig sind - nach einigen Schallwandlern bei mir zu Hause stellt sich nun das wunderbare Gefühl des "Angekommenseins" bei mir ein."

C. Z. am 17. Juli 2023

Weitere Kundenstimmen zur p1 folgen.

Geschrieben von Daniela Manger

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